Sunday, April 19, 2009

running, backpacking, and moving

I have not written in a while so but I am in the airport waiting for a flight so I have a little time.

Students Run LA (running part of my life)
I have been mentoring kids in my neighborhood at a local high school and training with them to run the LA marathon. Yesterday I ran 18 miles, a first for me. I really have started to love running and i love the mentor part so it is the perfect fit.

Currently I am on my way to a Womens wilderness LT. A time in the Smoky mountains to pray, fast, and spend time in solitude with the Lord. I also get to see some dear friends in the process too. It has been something i have wanted to do for a long time and it has been such a gift to go at this time in my life. It reminds me how much the Lord knows what we need before we do. :)

The week i get back I move into my new apartment with a new roommate. I will still be in the same area just different apt and roommate. Our new home is more then i even prayed for. We have already meet neighbors, which is a huge gift. I have been wanting something like this the whole time i have lived in LA. I feel like my first 3 years i had this somewhat but not to this level. Really being involved and a part of a neighborhood is something I have desired and I already feel it happen at a deeper level then ever before and it is only the start.

So that is a real quick update on what is happening with me.

I pray you are all doing well and would love to hear from you. i may not respond right a way but i will eventually. :)

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