Monday, November 17, 2008


The sky had this very strange orange glow all day. The sky that should be blue was full of smoke and you could barely see the sun. When I went out there was ash all over my car and it has been hard to breath even where I live.

The Fire Department reports "Around 800 residences -- ranging from multi-million-dollar mansions to modest prefabricated mobile homes -- have been razed by a series of wind-whipped fires that have erupted through the region since Thursday.

At least 50,000 evacuation orders have been issued and more than 35,600 acres (14,400 hectares) have been destroyed in the blazes, which have stretched from Santa Barbara to southeast of Los Angeles."

LA is always having fires but this time it seems worse then before because its more peoples homes then in the past fires. I don't remember it being this hard to breath before either. It has been very warm all weekend too in the late 80's and 90's. It was just a strange day.

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