Saturday, July 26, 2008

My life white water rafting

Sunshine Falls on the Royal Gorge
Last week I went white water rafting with some of my staff team down the Royal Gorge. The whole time I could not stop thinking about what a metaphor rafting is and how it relates to my Christian walk. Maybe it was all the Christian youth group rafting trips I went on growing up rushing back to me.

Tonight I had a video conferences with the USC group here in Colorado and some of our canvas group in LA. During the time Greg asked us to describe our life using a metaphor. Again I thought of rafting. One big thing that I thought of was how we all have to work together or we can flip the raft, also if we do not work together sometimes we can miss the big rapids on the river (the best part). We have a guide and how important it is to listen to Him especial when going through the hardest spots. The metaphor can go on and on but that is what struck me the most.

PS the picture is not my raft but was taken on part of the river we went down. The waters was a record high this year. Highest it has been in more then ten years. :)

1 comment:

Gman and Julz said...

love this, shalom! we're in the boat together! its a great voyage that we're on! and you're right there is so much in this metaphor for our learning... and practicing...